akhirnya rencana buat bubar klaksana jg horeeeeeeee
aciiiiik bener nih bs ngumpul brg anak2 lg
tapi cayank ni indri g bs ikutan coz dia masuke malem
sayang bgt kn
tp mudah2an q bs dateng ksna
hari ry tinggal bentar lg nih kykx q d bln ramadhan yg kli ni g da perubahan
shalatx c g karuan
duh pilek ni kok g sembuh2 c
susah buat napas trus g pusing2 gitu
padahal q cman minum es dikit doank tp kok bs pilek kyk gini yaaaaa
ngantuuuk lgiiiiiiii
nyuci baju gagal lgi padahal tadi rencana mo bangunnn pagiiiiii tp g bs soale penyakit males x kumat lgi alamat deh rencana x gagal maneh
pusiiiiiiing bgt niiiiiih
mungkin blogger ni mrp blogeer ter ancur soale ni isinya tuh paliiiing ancur dah g karuan plus g bermutu tinggi tp gmn lgi yg nulis tuh orange gomikkkkk bgt g akkkk nih
passstiiii aneeeehhh yaaaaa
aduuuuh pileeeek kok pileeeek na tambaaaaah anehhhhh
aneeeeh niiiii bantu donk nyembuhinx
malesss bgt
aneehhhhhh bgt nihhhhhhhhhh
gi mls kmrn hbs liat2 blog kyk na bgs looh
g spt punya q yg isinya tuh rada g jelas
mungkin ajuuuuuuur bgt deh isina
q hbs potong rambut nihhh
agak g pd sih
hbs kependekan sih
mungkin ni jd penambilan baru
ngomongin ttg penambilan baru q dl prnah loh dpanggil kyk giitu
klo g slh yg manggil tuh Bunga penyababx q tuh mulai klas 1 g' prnah ngurai rambutq jadi pas q awal klas 2 q potong rambut n langsung dpanggil "penambilan baru"
lgii2 q ngerasa aneeeeh
anehhhh nih
lg males lgi nih
nulis pa lgi yaaa
gmn critanya ph yg kmrin yaa
mungkin mo hbs kliii
kmrin q tdre g mlm sekitar jm 12
tp ini sih msh mending drpd yg kmrn q tdre jm satuuuu
sambil dengerin radioooo
kn jm segitu biasa lgne baguuuuuuuuuus
meski g jaduuul
tp enak2 loooooh
dah lm nih g ktemu prennnddd
gmn y kbrna mrk
kyke rencana buat bubar n poto brg gagal lgiiii
padahal rencana poto tuh gagal lgiiiii
masa dr hbs ujian nyampe skr g kewujud
mudah2an ntar pas hbs id bs kewujudd
pa lgi yaaaaaa
gi mls kmrn hbs liat2 blog kyk na bgs looh
g spt punya q yg isinya tuh rada g jelas
mungkin ajuuuuuuur bgt deh isina
q hbs potong rambut nihhh
agak g pd sih
hbs kependekan sih
mungkin ni jd penambilan baru
ngomongin ttg penambilan baru q dl prnah loh dpanggil kyk giitu
klo g slh yg manggil tuh Bunga penyababx q tuh mulai klas 1 g' prnah ngurai rambutq jadi pas q awal klas 2 q potong rambut n langsung dpanggil "penambilan baru"
lgii2 q ngerasa aneeeeh
anehhhh nih
lg males lgi nih
nulis pa lgi yaaa
gmn critanya ph yg kmrin yaa
mungkin mo hbs kliii
kmrin q tdre g mlm sekitar jm 12
tp ini sih msh mending drpd yg kmrn q tdre jm satuuuu
sambil dengerin radioooo
kn jm segitu biasa lgne baguuuuuuuuuus
meski g jaduuul
tp enak2 loooooh
dah lm nih g ktemu prennnddd
gmn y kbrna mrk
kyke rencana buat bubar n poto brg gagal lgiiii
padahal rencana poto tuh gagal lgiiiii
masa dr hbs ujian nyampe skr g kewujud
mudah2an ntar pas hbs id bs kewujudd
pa lgi yaaaaaa
g bisa nonton ph nih padahal kn mo habis gpp dah bingung nih nulisin pa an q pengen kli dpt tmn yg baik males nih np ya q jadi orang yg pualiiiiing anehhhhhhh g bisa nyesuaikan diri dengan orang lain tiap kli ktmu orang q selalu g pd, minder, wis pokoke sing aneh ana ndekk q kabeh tak ada yg BAAAAAGUSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
maleees np kok hr ni aneh bgt ya superrrrr aneh puoooooool
pa nulis pengalaman yg lucu2 aja kli tp pa yaaaaaa
mikir dl aja
enake ngapain nih kok orgnya pd aneh smua
q g suka bgtttttttttttttttttttttttttts
megeeeeel ne puoooooooooooool
q g suka kayak gini
g bener2 maleeeeeeees
kok bingungggggggggg
aneeeeeeeh puooool
megeeeeeel neeeeeeee
gak nyaaaaaaaambungggggggg
beneeeeeerrrrrrr2 aneeeeeeeh puooooool
q ga ngertiiiiiiiiiii
maleees np kok hr ni aneh bgt ya superrrrr aneh puoooooool
pa nulis pengalaman yg lucu2 aja kli tp pa yaaaaaa
mikir dl aja
enake ngapain nih kok orgnya pd aneh smua
q g suka bgtttttttttttttttttttttttttts
megeeeeel ne puoooooooooooool
q g suka kayak gini
g bener2 maleeeeeeees
kok bingungggggggggg
aneeeeeeeh puooool
megeeeeeel neeeeeeee
gak nyaaaaaaaambungggggggg
beneeeeeerrrrrrr2 aneeeeeeeh puooooool
q ga ngertiiiiiiiiiii
Artis : Teriyaki Boyz
Lagu : The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift [Soundtrack] (2006)
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
[Verse 1 ~ Japanese:]
Rasha ii, omachito sama
kenso mamiro konoma chinoenso dama
tamama ichii do itsu eoi de
sikayju miryu suruhudoni ko kana
Japan, Ichiban
Jump around sawchirono deban
Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be
he said intyaro kai in VIP
many many diamonds danglin
Bag full of money we stranglin
Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me
All the above cuz you can't get in
I don't want no problem
Because muy professional
Make you, shake you, ketsu (Thank you!)
Haters take it personal
[Verse ~ Japanese:]
like kakanada tai tets o now
drop it on lets go now
na nachima mai nimits o
lets not chiki chima over
wets go nets go
tsuhilohilo over every color
esgo esgol
ju waktu chunai niikro
new waksu itsukunai pingpoi
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
[Verse 2 ~ Japanese:]
HI. Wakashteruya
Boyz. ateyuma kitobas
noise. manshij kitemas indaghe
tow banow gazmo windemas
beyshiku wasupplies
de. majmanchika abunai
te. ninjehu kenjahu
dakido geisha
all on the rocks say
Should see me in the parking lot
7-11 is the spot
Fights with wings and shiny things
And lions, tigers, bears, Oh my ride
We're furious and fast
Super sonic like JJ Phat
An' we rock cuz the wheels are fly
Can't be doubt with a baseball bat
[Verse 3 ~ Japanese:]
like kakaru a
kiyo koto sa
matata in dey soki sayk yo
ingosipta shito fokusai
tekimatzailo kwanzai
fola kwanza
fara daka bumotosto
dojidas score four points
from far east coast to
dosi sai
watashi no kansito
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
[Verse 4 ~ Japanese:]
ya, ichipa mayni chito kitong kitas
hito aylam tobi tobida
mueruyo shito bochi bochi na
kuma nigi dasusu kochi kochi eh
hito a puro do resow
machu subetenu rekong
mechakari mundantesha
fu guchaw chan
fast an furious
It's gotta be the shoes
Gotta be the furs
That's why ladies choose me
All up in the news
Cuz we so cute
That's why we so huge
Harajuku girls know how i feel
They respect i keeps it real
Not a Chinaman cuz I ain't from China man
I am Japan man
[Girls Talking:]
You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR.
I wonder where he get that kind of money?
Don't worry about it.
Lets Go
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
By : Cicak|Man
from : http://www.era.fm/05/sensasi/lirik/lirik.asp?id=8672
Lagu : The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift [Soundtrack] (2006)
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
[Verse 1 ~ Japanese:]
Rasha ii, omachito sama
kenso mamiro konoma chinoenso dama
tamama ichii do itsu eoi de
sikayju miryu suruhudoni ko kana
Japan, Ichiban
Jump around sawchirono deban
Teriyaki Boyz in the place to be
he said intyaro kai in VIP
many many diamonds danglin
Bag full of money we stranglin
Hate me, fry me, bake me, try me
All the above cuz you can't get in
I don't want no problem
Because muy professional
Make you, shake you, ketsu (Thank you!)
Haters take it personal
[Verse ~ Japanese:]
like kakanada tai tets o now
drop it on lets go now
na nachima mai nimits o
lets not chiki chima over
wets go nets go
tsuhilohilo over every color
esgo esgol
ju waktu chunai niikro
new waksu itsukunai pingpoi
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
[Verse 2 ~ Japanese:]
HI. Wakashteruya
Boyz. ateyuma kitobas
noise. manshij kitemas indaghe
tow banow gazmo windemas
beyshiku wasupplies
de. majmanchika abunai
te. ninjehu kenjahu
dakido geisha
all on the rocks say
Should see me in the parking lot
7-11 is the spot
Fights with wings and shiny things
And lions, tigers, bears, Oh my ride
We're furious and fast
Super sonic like JJ Phat
An' we rock cuz the wheels are fly
Can't be doubt with a baseball bat
[Verse 3 ~ Japanese:]
like kakaru a
kiyo koto sa
matata in dey soki sayk yo
ingosipta shito fokusai
tekimatzailo kwanzai
fola kwanza
fara daka bumotosto
dojidas score four points
from far east coast to
dosi sai
watashi no kansito
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
[Verse 4 ~ Japanese:]
ya, ichipa mayni chito kitong kitas
hito aylam tobi tobida
mueruyo shito bochi bochi na
kuma nigi dasusu kochi kochi eh
hito a puro do resow
machu subetenu rekong
mechakari mundantesha
fu guchaw chan
fast an furious
It's gotta be the shoes
Gotta be the furs
That's why ladies choose me
All up in the news
Cuz we so cute
That's why we so huge
Harajuku girls know how i feel
They respect i keeps it real
Not a Chinaman cuz I ain't from China man
I am Japan man
[Girls Talking:]
You see him come and go out of the black Benz SLR.
I wonder where he get that kind of money?
Don't worry about it.
Lets Go
I wonder if you know
How they live in Tokyo
If you see me then you mean it
Then you know you have to go
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
Fast and furious (Drift, Drift, Drift)
By : Cicak|Man
from : http://www.era.fm/05/sensasi/lirik/lirik.asp?id=8672
dah lama nih gak nulis dsn sebetulna kmrn sih dah ngepost dsn tp lupa padahala nulisnya dah banyak loh wis ni pokoke aq ngisine asal2an sore gini enake ngapain ya paling klo d rmh jam segini tuh lliat acara gosip kn puasa dilarang ngiliat yang gituan jadi mendingan tidur aja tapi klo dsn kn g bisa tidur. ngomongin soal tidur dah seminggu nih aq susah banget tidurnya pernah nih tidur sekitar jam 2an jadinya pagi2 habis subuh aq tidur lagi (ni jangan d contoh karna ni mrp ciri2 penerus bangsa yang tidak baik) padahal udah berbagai cara dcoba mulai dari cara ala sinchan tau kn yang ngitung jumlah babi dari satu ampe bisa tidur (tapi ni juga g berhasil), nulis n baca sambil maksudnya sih biar mata perih kn biasanya klo mata perih gampang tidurnya (juga gagal) trus dengerin musik yang bikin ngantuk ni malah gak berhasil sebab lagu yang d putar tuh biasanya enak2 jadi aq bukannya tidur malah nyanyi dengan suara yang....... ancur banget dah. ni cara kadang2 jitu juga klo aq g bisa tidur yaitu dengan menggosok balsem ke tangan dan kaki biar anget biasanya gak lama setelah nglakuin ni aq langsung tapi akibatnya badan ku puaaaanaaaaas smua. puasa dah sembilan hari kayaknya tapi aq masih bloom bisa merubah diriku tetep males2an kayaknya acara ramadhan tahun ni g terlalu seru tidak seperti yang tahun kmarin aq paling suka tuh radio humor tapi sekarang g da desta ma vincent pindah ke indosiar bawain acara radio bbm d sana mereka g terlalu seru sebab jarang munculnya jadi kn g seru lg deh namanya juga ni asal nulis jadi yang ditullis tuh ya asal2an
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